Stained Glass & Fused Glass Beginners Classes at RDW Glass

Workshops and beginners classes in Stained Glass and Fused Glass. Wednesday evenings (6.30pm to 9.00pm) and Saturday day class (10.00am to 4.30pm) £180. All glass, tools and equipment are provided. Saturday Workshops are normally held on the last weekend of the month. Green City Studios, Glasgow, Scotland. RDW Glass - Rich Welsh, Keira Mclean, Caireen Stuart. More information at
Vouchers can be bought here and used for any of the classes.

Sunday, 4 November 2012

Stained Glass & Fused Glass Workshops Glasgow

Fused and slumped glass detail from a recent workshop.

Next dates for workshop

10th & 11th and 
24th & 25th of November 2012.

1 comment:

  1. Wonderful art glass that I truly keep remembering, I love glass actually believe or not I'm so happy when I touch my new glass doors. Thanks!
