Stained Glass & Fused Glass Beginners Classes at RDW Glass

Workshops and beginners classes in Stained Glass and Fused Glass. Wednesday evenings (6.30pm to 9.00pm) and Saturday day class (10.00am to 4.30pm) £180. All glass, tools and equipment are provided. Saturday Workshops are normally held on the last weekend of the month. Green City Studios, Glasgow, Scotland. RDW Glass - Rich Welsh, Keira Mclean, Caireen Stuart. More information at
Vouchers can be bought here and used for any of the classes.

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If not asked previously, in order to receive the voucher please email your postal address to


  1. I hope to be accommodated at the weekend Beginners' course in December. I couldn't find a booking form on your website Probably my issue not yours!

  2. I am looking at using this voucher for my wife to attend the weekend course in January. Is there a booking form I need to fill in?

  3. Hi, just to confirm a place on the January stained glass workshop thanks

  4. Hi. I bought 2 vouchers for 2 places on the 30th October stained glass workshop. Many thanks. Ewa Wilson

  5. Hi id like to attend a beginners workshop preferably evenings October or November thanks. I've bought a voucher. Thanks Jean Campbell.

  6. Hello,Ive purchase a voucher for my dad who is a retired welder, but has no experience with stained glass, would you recomend beginners course or intermediate? Once he has received the gift voucer at Chrostmas, we will be in touch to organise a day class. Many thanks,Lorraine

  7. Hi, please may I book a place for the January beginners class, I've just bought the £180.00 voucher.
